The fastest first step in Salesforce implementation

Salesforce Sales Cloud
QuickStart Pack

scalability - salesforce sales cloud qucikstart pack - design element
high quality - salesforce sales cloud qucikstart pack - design element
implementation coasts from - salesforce sales cloud qucikstart pack - design element
implementation timeline from 2 weeks - salesforce sales cloud qucikstart pack - design element
Salesforce Sales Cloud QuickStart Pack is the fastest way to get your Salesforce org up and running

Sales Cloud QuickStart Implementation Package

A straightforward, affordable, and easy-to-understand implementation where you pay for the functionalities you select yourself.
Despite the rapid pace of the implementation process, you get a system of record with unlimited scalability capabilities as a result.
Most of the project budget is allocated to consulting, training, and outlining recommendations to help you get the most out of the implementation.
Salesforce best practices
Fast Salesforce implementation
À la carte pricing model
Complete the form below, and we will contact you within 24 business hours to schedule a discovery call and discuss how the package can be tailored to your specific needs.
onboarding and training within the salesforce sales cloud quickstart pack
and training
Data migration
of historical info
data migration within the salesforce sales cloud quickstart pack
Sales process elements and pages setup
sales process elements within the salesforce sales cloud quickstart pack
and dashboards
reports within the salesforce sales cloud quickstart pack
Lead capturing
from a website form
lead capturing within the salesforce sales cloud quickstart pack
email integration in the salesforce sales cloud quickstart pack
package configuration
Appexchange package configuration in the salesforce sales cloud quickstart pack
QuickStart offers immediate benefits and capabilities that you can scale as your business needs expand:

The Benefits of the Sales Cloud QuickStart Package

Twistellar's QuickStart implementation for Salesforce has been designed to help your business enjoy the benefits of implementing a CRM, skip the complexity, and jump right to:
quick salesforce sales cloud setup by twistellar
The QuickStart Pack is a straight-to-the-point yet efficient Sales Cloud implementation.

No-Frills Sales Cloud Setup

Salesforce sales cloud setup in 2 weeks
A regular Salesforce Sales Cloud implementation can take months to get a business started with the CRM.
High-quality foundation for scaling your salesforce setup
Twistellar's years of experience in Salesforce consulting and development have allowed us to drill down to identify the fundamentals.

High-Quality Foundation

fixed-price sales cloud implemetation
Whether you're a startup or a large company, budget predictability is essential for financial planning and control.

Fixed-Price Implementation

salesforce adoption journey with twistellar
Although the QuickStart Pack has fewer hours for customization than our fully-fledged Sales Cloud implementation service, the Twistellar team will be following your project 24/7.

Adoption Journey

2-Week Timeframe

It covers data model configuration, website connection, email integration, data migration, reports and dashboards, and – importantly – Salesforce training and onboarding.
The pack's timeboxed configurations ensure that the set tasks and objectives stay on track while meeting the implementation deadlines.
The fundamentals that will help you successfully take off and scale by leveraging a boatload of Salesforce's customization possibilities – if and when the timing is right.
Sales Cloud QuickStart Package for Salesforce ensures there are no cost overruns and no unexpected or escalating costs – just a quick increase in the CRM ROI.
Until you get a fully functional setup and an accelerated Sales Cloud adoption by your team.
For years, we've been helping businesses of all sizes implement Salesforce. This has helped Twistellar create a unique service for companies that understand the ever-growing Salesforce advantages but are just starting their journey and not yet ready to take a big leap toward a full-scale implementation of the CRM.
And the best part is:

Twistellar Knows How to Do the Job

If you are a startup, small, or medium-sized business looking for a knowledgeable Salesforce implementation partner who values every single customer, let's talk! We are always happy to pitch in.
successfully delivered projects
personal involvement of Twistellar founders in project delivery
rating on Clutch and AppExchange
Through multiple deployments, we have honed our quick start methodology to help you get your Salesforce org up and running quickly and efficiently.

The Quickstart Journey: What to Expect?

We know how hard it is to find a reliable partner for your project. We can prove the opposite.
Our team will investigate your situation in detail, choose the most suitable solution, assist with user training and onboarding, and make your automation project a success in the long run.
Data migration of historical info
data migration of historical info in salesforce
A launch meeting to talk about your business's needs and objectives
Launch meeting with twistellar: salesforce crm implementation
Email integration
email integration in salesforce
Sales Process Elements and Pages Setup (Lead, Contact, Account, Opportunity, Task and Events)
sales process elements and pages setup in salesforce
lead capturing from a website form in salesforce
Lead capturing from a website form
salesforce onboarding and training - quick start
Onboarding and training
Reports and dashboards
Salesforce reporting and dashboards
Data migration of historical info
data migration of historical info in salesforce
A launch meeting to talk about your business's needs and objectives
Launch meeting with twistellar: salesforce crm implementation
Email integration
email integration in salesforce
Sales Process Elements and Pages Setup (Lead, Contact, Account, Opportunity, Task and Events)
sales process elements and pages setup in salesforce
lead capturing from a website form in salesforce
Lead capturing from a website form
salesforce onboarding and training - quick start
Onboarding and training
Reports and dashboards
Salesforce reporting and dashboards
Data migration of historical info
data migration of historical info in salesforce
A launch meeting to talk about your business's needs and objectives
Launch meeting with twistellar: salesforce crm implementation
Email integration
email integration in salesforce
Sales Process Elements and Pages Setup (Lead, Contact, Account, Opportunity, Task and Events)
sales process elements and pages setup in salesforce
lead capturing from a website form in salesforce
Lead capturing from a website form
salesforce onboarding and training - quick start
Onboarding and training
Reports and dashboards
Salesforce reporting and dashboards
Data migration of historical info
data migration of historical info in salesforce
A launch meeting to talk about your business's needs and objectives
Launch meeting with twistellar: salesforce crm implementation
Email integration
email integration in salesforce
Sales Process Elements and Pages Setup (Lead, Contact, Account, Opportunity, Task and Events)
sales process elements and pages setup in salesforce
lead capturing from a website form in salesforce
Lead capturing from a website form
salesforce onboarding and training - quick start
Onboarding and training
Reports and dashboards
Salesforce reporting and dashboards
Through multiple deployments, we have honed our quick start methodology to help you get your Salesforce org up and running quickly and efficiently.

The Quickstart Journey: What to Expect?

We know how hard it is to find a reliable partner for your project. We can prove the opposite.
Our team will investigate your situation in detail, choose the most suitable solution, assist with user training and onboarding, and make your automation project a success in the long run.
Data migration of historical info
data migration of historical info in salesforce
A launch meeting to talk about your business's needs and objectives
Launch meeting with twistellar: salesforce crm implementation
Email integration
email integration in salesforce
Sales Process Elements and Pages Setup (Lead, Contact, Account, Opportunity, Task and Events)
sales process elements and pages setup in salesforce
lead capturing from a website form in salesforce
Lead capturing from a website form
salesforce onboarding and training - quick start
Onboarding and training
Reports and dashboards
Salesforce reporting and dashboards
Data migration of historical info
data migration of historical info in salesforce
A launch meeting to talk about your business's needs and objectives
Launch meeting with twistellar: salesforce crm implementation
Email integration
email integration in salesforce
Sales Process Elements and Pages Setup (Lead, Contact, Account, Opportunity, Task and Events)
sales process elements and pages setup in salesforce
lead capturing from a website form in salesforce
Lead capturing from a website form
salesforce onboarding and training - quick start
Onboarding and training
Reports and dashboards
Salesforce reporting and dashboards
Data migration of historical info
data migration of historical info in salesforce
A launch meeting to talk about your business's needs and objectives
Launch meeting with twistellar: salesforce crm implementation
Email integration
email integration in salesforce
Sales Process Elements and Pages Setup (Lead, Contact, Account, Opportunity, Task and Events)
sales process elements and pages setup in salesforce
lead capturing from a website form in salesforce
Lead capturing from a website form
salesforce onboarding and training - quick start
Onboarding and training
Reports and dashboards
Salesforce reporting and dashboards
Data migration of historical info
data migration of historical info in salesforce
A launch meeting to talk about your business's needs and objectives
Launch meeting with twistellar: salesforce crm implementation
Email integration
email integration in salesforce
Sales Process Elements and Pages Setup (Lead, Contact, Account, Opportunity, Task and Events)
sales process elements and pages setup in salesforce
lead capturing from a website form in salesforce
Lead capturing from a website form
salesforce onboarding and training - quick start
Onboarding and training
Reports and dashboards
Salesforce reporting and dashboards
At Twistellar, we handle every stage of your project, from in-depth analysis of your business needs to comprehensive solution development and change management.

What Customers Say About Twistellar

What Customers Say About Twistellar

The work that Twistellar did was super professional! Always responsive, even after the go-live, you were providing responses and support within minutes to the whole team who were shooting questions at you. The "customer-first" approach that you guys take, that's how it should be, and that's how it worked with Twistellar. It was a very successful project!
Luke Fier
luke fier from subaio - twistellar
Financial Controller, Head of Staff at Subaio
subaio logo - twistellar
Thanks a lot for making SF a great New CRM for us! The final output is both comprehensive and scalable, so our sales team can easily manage the solution with efficiency. We are especially thrilled with the easy overview and transparency of the following-up process, which is an important part of our customer journey. We were consistently updated on the project's progress, and provided with high-quality results and expertise.
Camilla Vedel
Global Sales Director at SproutWorld
camilla vedel from sprout world - twistellar
sprout world logo - twistellar
If Twistellar were a wine, I would say that it is the kind of wine that is very exclusive and won't fail the expectations when uncorked. Without a doubt, Twistellar deserves a five-star rating from us.
Miguel Zurbano Sanchez
Director of Operational Excellence Vivino
miguel zurbano sanchez from vivino - twistellar
vivino logo - twistellar
We used Twistellar to implement Salesforce at our company. It was a very successful project, and Twistellar is one of the best consulting firms I've ever worked with. During the process, we refined our requirements. Twistellar brought a lot of knowledge and experience which helped shape the solution and our processes.
Rick Kanemasu
Chief Technology Officer at SANIL
rick kanemasu from sanil - twistellar
sanil logo - twistellar

Jumpstart Your Sales Cloud with Salesforce QuickStart Implementation

Contact us today to learn more about the Sales Cloud Quick Start package and how it can help your company expand.
Twistellar can help your business craft a more personalized strategic roadmap.
Need more customization for your Salesforce Sales Cloud Implementation?
Related service

FAQ: QuickStart Salesforce Sales Cloud Setup

A Salesforce QuickStart Package, such as Twistellar's Sales Cloud QuickStart Services, is a pre-packaged and streamlined solution designed to fast-track the implementation and adoption of Salesforce Sales Cloud.

It offers a comprehensive set of services to ensure a swift, efficient, and effective setup of this CRM platform.
Explore relevant materials for in-depth insights that highlight the transformative impact of Twistellar QuickStart implementation services.

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